Rick Ryscavage supports the Mary Initiative
Rick Ryscavage talks during a Mary Initiative session about the need for the programme to be taught to serving diplomats.
Rick Ryscavage, 14/11/2012
Nargis Alizda supports The Mary Initiative
Nargis talks about Mary, known as Maryam in Islam, as having a role in peace building and conflict resolution.
Nargis Alizada,
Caroline Jaine Supports The Mary Initiative
Artist and former UK diplomat, Caroline Jaine, speaking about the Hearts & Minds Initiative
Caroline Jaine,



Indian boys 150x94The Mary Initiative goes into schools working with children and students of all ages to bring traditional Religious Education to life in new ways. Making Religious Education and understanding relevant to a range of issues as an additional component of the school curriculum, the Intiative has direct resonance with issues around the world today. 

In the UK, the Mary Initiative sits firmly within the guidelines for Religious Education, promoting inclusion and respect for all, while challenging sterotypical views in a safe environment and appreciation of differences in others.  It also helps students to be aware of the significance of interfaith and intra-faith dialogue and contributes to the personal, social and spiritual development of students. 


Higher Education

uniThe Mary Initiative goes into universities, Schools of Foreign Service and institutions of higher education as a component of learning for students and diplomats with interest in innovative approaches to cross cultural and faith based issues (inter and intra-faith) between Islam and Christianity.  Sessions include practical skills.

As the Initiative has the female figure of Mary/Maryam at the heart of its narrative, issues of gender concerning both men and women is included within sessions.

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interfatihThe Mary Initiative delivers sessions for religious organisations and institutions and for those undergoing religious training around interfaith issues who wish to deepen their understanding of Mary/Maryam as a bridge between the Abrahamic faiths.
  'The Mary Initiative has provided me with a solid grounding
 in the opportunities for interfaith dialogue through the common
acceptance of Mary as a figure of peace and unity whilst promoting
the powerful voice of women in society.'

    Stephen Sharpe in formation as a permanant Deacon in the A & B Diocese - UK

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