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Articles (2 found)

95577737038950117-1 Malala made youngest UN Messenger of Peace
Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzai and education for peace more ...
BBC News
43f35f98-49f8-4e2c-b9c1-3df7ef UN names fictional Wonder Woman as ambassador
'Choosing cartoon female for gender equality 'disappointing' more ...
Associated Press, UN

Media (1 found)

The Dignity Diaries - Ziauddin YousafzsiZiauddin Yousafzsi
Dignity Campaign/Dignity Diaries
Length:6 minutes
Ziauddin Yousafzsi shares how he has experienced the effects of dignity and honour in his life and how it affected the life of his daughter Malala.
MP4 VideoWatch Download 22.5MB